Saturday, December 31, 2016

31 Days of Prayer

"Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work." Oswald Chambers

Will you commit the next 31 days to praying for Tacoma Baptist Schools?
Here's a list of suggestions.

January 1: That the Lord would be glorified through TBS.
January 2: That we would be faithful to the task of developing DiscpleLeaders.
January 3: That our students will be focused as they return to school on this day.
January 4: That our teachers would be energized to finish the semester.
January 5: That the Lord would speak through Emily Timmer in chapel this morning.
January 6: For our school to continue to grow.
January 7: For our churches to reach their communities with the Gospel.
January 8: For our Facilities Staff: Dave, Dennis, Isaac, and Lorenzo
January 9: For our Office Staff: Brenda, Calice, Katie, and Teena
January 10: For our Finance Department: Nora and Tracy
January 11: That the Lord will bless our Shadow Day tomorrow.
January 12: That the Lord would speak through Pastor Soong Yol Hong in chapel this morning.
January 13: For our Preschool Teachers: Christy, Johanna, and Kristen
January 14: For our 1st-6th Grade Teachers: Jill, Kim, Nicole, Nikki, Susan, and Trisha
January 15: For our School Board: Bill, Brad, Duane, Eric, Jim, Lou, Ron, Todd, and Tom
January 16: That the Lord will allow us to increase in diversity within our staff and student body.
January 17: For our JH Teachers: Carli, Donna, Jenna, Kayla, Kelli, Mike L.
January 18: For our Language Teachers: Carli, Debra and Lisa
January 19: That the Lord would speak through Andrew Larson in chapel this morning.
January 20: That our country would learn to focus on what unifies us and not on what divides us.
January 21: For our HS Staff: Beth, Gary, Jenna, Jeremiah, Matt, Melissa, Mike L, Mike S, Rachel, Soong Yol, Tom
January 22: For our Fine Arts Teachers: Aaron, Adrienne, Bill, and Calice
January 23: For our students taking finals this week.
January 24: For our ISC Teachers: Adrienne, Alicia, and Amanda
January 25: For our Program Directors: Beth and Jean
January 26: For our Student Center Staff: Alicia and Kim
January 27: For our BASC Staff: Alicia, Amy, Heidi, and Kara
January 28: For our Auction Staff: Melissa and Sandy
January 29: For our Administrative Staff: Alyssa, Brad, Danette, Julie, LeAnn, Mike S, and Tim.
January 30: That we would begin our new semester well.
January 31: For our Open House on February 2.

Monday, December 26, 2016

A January Challenge

Want to change your life in 2017?
That's a big question. I have a big answer. 
In John 17:17 Jesus prays, "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." The word of God has a sanctifying power in the life of the Christian. As we wash ourselves with the truth of God's Word, there is power through the relinquishment of ourselves into His Truth. Since Christ is both the Word and the Truth (John 1; John 14), we find sanctification in Him. It's life changing.
The video above is a 3 minute TED talk on the effect that doing something for 30 days can have on your life. Many have written about this sort of thing. Since the new year is quickly approaching, I'm writing to you about it as well, hoping that you will make at least one 30-day resolution for the beginning of 2017.
I'm inviting you to join me in reading the book of Matthew in January. Read it as a family. Read it for your quiet time. Find 5 minutes every day to read at least one chapter in Matthew, and by the end of January you will have finished the book and started a new life-changing habit. Once you discover the power of reading God's Word every day, you will find yourself craving it. On January 31, decide if you'd like to continue on this journey.
It has been my experience that when God's people submerge themselves in His Word, things begin to change. Their lives change. They develop a passion for the things of which God is passionate. They are foremost concerned about the glory of God to the nations. They care about those who do not know Christ. They care about investing in others through disciple-making. The church flourishes, because its people are flourishing. 
Will you join me? If so, please email me and let me know you are taking this challenge. I'd love to pray for you as you read through the Word with me